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Vercara Cyber Threat Intelligence Team

The Vercara Threat Intelligence Team is a cross-functional group of researchers and product specialists who create Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) from the various platforms and data sources inside of Vercara and use that information to inform customers, create better products, exchange ideas with the broader CTI community, and train operations staff.

Vercara Cyber Threat Intelligence Team

Articles by Vercara Cyber Threat Intelligence Team

September 5, 2024

Opportunistic Data Breaches and Virtual Patching

It is Monday morning, and as you slide into your desk chair, preparing for your first teleconference of the day,...

April 30, 2024

Vercara’s Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) Report – April 19 – April 25, 2024

Here is your weekly summary of news and other public coverage relevant to Vercara, the market leader in DNS, DDoS...

November 14, 2023

The Top 10 DNS Best Practices for Security

Tap into these 10 best practices for DNS security. In today’s digital age, the Domain Name System (DNS) stands as...

September 21, 2023

What is Transport-layer Security?

The need for network encryption. Let’s talk about postcards. You go on holiday. You buy one with a pretty sunset...

Securing the Online Experience in Financial Services

Providing exceptional security and reliability is central to the success of any financial services organization. When you’re managing assets and...

June 16, 2023

Killnet Targeting the Western Financial System 

If you’re currently under attack, please contact us via the “Under Attack” button on our website. If you’re not a...

Vercara: A Leader in Securing Online Experiences

More than 2,000 enterprises worldwide trust Vercara to protect their online presence, data, and brand reputation. We offer best-in-class cloud...

Future-Proofing Your Web Application Firewall (WAF), Featuring Forrester’s Sandy Carielli

Defending your website against application-layer attacks has never been more important, nor more complex. This complexity is attested to by...

January 30, 2023

SQL Grammar – Word Order Matters

Just like in natural languages, SQL statements have a standard order of words. In English, a sentence uses the order...

November 22, 2022

A Q&A Featuring Forrester: Web Application Attacks, eCommerce Inventory Hoarding Bots and CAPTCHA

Our Field CTO, Michael Smith, recently hosted a webinar, Future-Proofing Your Web Application Firewall (WAF), with Guest Speaker Sandy Carielli...

February 22, 2022

Is your DNS like that drawer in your kitchen?

You know the drawer we’re talking about. It started out being the place where you kept tape, and maybe scissors....

February 22, 2022

The Continuous Upgrade Cycle

We’re just putting the finishing touches on our latest set of infrastructure upgrades to the UltraSecurity platform and are already...

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